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News by Besova, Maria

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Friday, March 21

Advanced Master in International Business Programme: Moscow, Paris, Singapore and Two Degrees

Beginning in September 2015, the International Institute of Administration and Business at HSE will launch a new English-language Advanced Master in International Business programme. In less than half a year, this professional training programme will enable participants to learn how to manage a business in an international environment. An Open House for the programme will be held on April 25.

Parenting Styles and Economics

Does the economy influence the way people bring up their children? How can we determine and measure a child’s utility? How can parenting styles be categorized in an economic model? These are the questions that Professor Fabricio Zilibotti of the University of Zurich addressed in his honorary lecture ‘Parenting with Style’, which he delivered at the April International Academic Conference.

Intellectual Capital: Measurement and Management

During the XVI April International Academic Conference HSE held a joint session on Intellectual Capital of Companies together with the European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management (Brussels). During this session, Professor Zambon of the University of Ferrara gave a keynote lecture and participated in round-table discussions on various problems associated with intellectual capital and intangible assets.

Professor William Thompson Reflects on HSE April Conference

At the April International Academic conference William R. Thompson, Rogers Professor of Political Science at Indiana University, Bloomington and Managing Editor of International Studies Quarterly, gave an honorary lecture on Norms, Behavioral Compliance, and Status Attribution in International Politics. He also participated in the session on State Capacity and Durability/Vulnerability of Authoritarian and Hybrid Regimes with a paper entitled State Capacity, Democratization and Public Policy, co-authored with Thomas J. Volgy.

German Students Enjoy Internships in Russia

From 30th March to 3rd April, 50 German students attended a session of the Business in Russia programme, run jointly by HSE and DAAD and the German Chamber of Foreign Trade since 2012. Students on the programme do six-month internships in German company offices in Russia and prepare group projects on various themes, under the guidance of HSE professor Natalya Guseva.

Illustration for news: Applications Being Accepted for HSE's 2015 Summer University

Applications Being Accepted for HSE's 2015 Summer University

The Summer University started at HSE in 2014, and has since been developing and growing rapidly. Classes in this year's programme will take place between June 22 and August 8. Applications will be accepted until May 1.

Rethinking American Foreign Policy for a New Era

On March 17, 2015, Dr Thomas Graham, a managing director at Kissinger Associates, an international business consulting firm, spoke at a seminar on Rethinking American Foreign Policy for a New Era conducted jointly by HSE’s Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs and the Russian Council on Foreign and Defense Policy. Dr Graham has been working with HSE for quite some time, visiting the university in 2013.

Illustration for news: Russian and American Students Research Legal Problems Together

Russian and American Students Research Legal Problems Together

On the 17th March 2015, 10 students from the University of Iowa, School of Law arrived in Moscow to take part in a research project with 2nd and 3rd year undergraduates at the HSE Faculty of Law. The aim of this international project is tocompare legal interpretation of the same problems in Russia and the USA. In April, Russian students will go to America to finalize and present their joint projects.

Illustration for news: English-language Student Papers Will Be Checked for Plagiarism

English-language Student Papers Will Be Checked for Plagiarism

Starting this year, English language papers by Russian and international students at HSE will be tested for plagiarism using the Turnitin service. HSE is one of the first Russian universities to join this anti-plagiarism system.

‘What Thrilled Me is How Close the Programme is to Real Business’

On February 6th, 2015 the Russian module of the international Master in European Business programme concluded. This programme is being run by the HSE International Institute of International Institute of Administration and Business (IIAB) together with ESCP EUROPE business school. In the second semester, students will continue their studies in various ESCP campuses around Europe: London, Berlin, Torino, Paris, and Madrid.