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Address: 4 Slavyanskaya Ploshchad, Building 2, room 503
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ORCID: 0000-0003-2626-7021
ResearcherID: JLM-3645-2023
Scopus AuthorID: 57127197900
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L. Ovcharova
O. Sinyavskaya
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Svetlana Biryukova

  • Svetlana Biryukova has been at HSE University since 2013.

Education and Degrees

  • 2013

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD)

  • 2010

    Lomonosov Moscow State University

  • 2008

    Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

01.12.2022-02.02.2023 — Data Analysis in R. Basics. HSE Training Center course.

30.11-25.12.2017 — Advanced MS Excel. HSE Training Center course.

23.11-21.12.2015 — Syntax in the academic English. HSE Academic Writing Center training course.

19-31.10.2015 — Spatial Demography: Concepts, Spatial Statistics, GIS and Cartographic Techniques. The MPIDR-NES Training Programme.

07.09.2015 — a training session Using GIS for Population Research (University of Leeds).

02.02-31.03.2015 — MOOC Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys (University of Michigan).  Certificate  (PDF, 116 Кб).

02.02-01.03.2015 — MOOC Getting and Cleaning Data (John Hopkins University).  Certificate with distinction (PDF, 75 Кб).

25.08-29.08.2014 — Summer School on Longitudinal and Life Course Research: a one-week course on Life Course Theory and Methodology, VU University Amsterdam. Certificate.

01.05-31.05.2014 — MOOC R Programming  (John Hopkins University). Certificate.

01.04.-30.04.2014 — MOOC Evaluating Social Programs of The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (MIT). Certificate.

17.02-28.04.2014 — MOOC Data Analysis and Statistical Inference (Duke University). Certificate with distinction.

Employment history

2012-2014: Institute of Megalopolis Human Development.

2010-2014: Independent Institute for Social Policy (IISP).

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Researchers" (2015-2016)

Courses (2023/2024)

Research & Study Groups

Editorial board membership

2022: Member of the Editorial Council (ответственный редактор), Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены (Monitoring Obshchestvennogo Mneniya: Ekonomichekie i Sotsial'nye Peremeny).





Article Biryukova S., Sinyavskaya O. Children out of parental care in Russia: what we can learn from the statistics // Journal of Social Policy Studies. 2017. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 367-382. doi






Book Овчарова Л. Н., Попова Д. О., Пишняк А. И., Зубаревич Н. В., Горина Е. А., Бирюкова С. С., Нагерняк М. А., Калабихина И. Е., Ковалевский А. Р. Анализ положения детей в Российской Федерации: на пути к обществу равных возможностей. М. : Детский фонд ООН - ЮНИСЕФ, 2011.


Book Калабихина И. Е., Зверева Н. В., Архангельский В. Н., Ионцева С. В., Бирюкова С. С. Знание школьниками Москвы собственных прав и способов их защиты. По материалам социологического исследования / Рук.: И. Е. Калабихина. М. : [б.и.], 2009.


  • 2017

    Population Days 2017 (Florence). Presentation: Motherhood penalty in Russia. Evidence from RLMS data

  • Population Days 2017 (Florence). Presentation: Stimulating fertility with monetary pro-natal policies - How effective is it? Evaluating recent Russian experience

  • XVIII Апрельская Международная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Новые оценки штрафа за материнство в России

  • IX Валентеевские чтения «Демографическое образование и изучение народонаселения в университетах (к 50-летию кафедры народонаселения) (Москва). Presentation: Эволюция "штрафа за материнство" в доходах российских женщин. Динамика на уровне экономики и семьи
  • 2016

    Population Association of America 2016 Annual Meeting (Washington DC). Presentation: Getting Pregnant, Registering a Marriage: Still a Widespread Order of Life Events? An Analysis of Individual Biographies Based on Birth Certificates Data in Russia

  • XVII Апрельская международная научная конференция по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: Оценка влияния новых мер семейной политики 2007 года на вероятность вторых и последующих рождений в России

  • European Population Conference 2016 (Mainz). Presentation: The differences in cohort fertility of Russian women with and without migration experience: Census-based estimates

  • European Population Conference 2016 (Mainz). Presentation: More money — more births? Estimating effects of 2007 family policy changes on probability of second and subsequent births in Russia
  • 2015

    6-я Международная научно-практическая конференция студентов и аспирантов «Статистические методы анализа экономики и общества» (Москва). Presentation: Факторы, влияющие на вероятность вторых и последующих рождений в России

  • 2d International Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey of HSE User Conference (Москва). Presentation: Assessing the Influence of Labor Market and Social Security Systems on Household Poverty in Russia

  • British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference 2015 (Leeds). Presentation: Impact of internal migration on cohort fertility: Case of Russia

  • British Society for Population Studies Annual Conference 2015 (Leeds). Presentation: Socio-demographic correlates of second and subsequent births. Estimates based on Russian Census data

  • 2014
    XV Апрельская международная научная конференция «Модернизация экономики и общества». (Москва). Presentation: Семейное устройство детей-сирот: специфика российского подхода в сравнении с опытом европейских стран
  • European Population Conference 2014 (Будапешт). Presentation: “Who prefers zero? Attitudes toward childlessness in Russia and in its capital city”

Other presentations

2015: Presentation at the international workshop Poverty and Welfare in Contemporary Russia at the Queen Mary University, London: Poverty related statistics and dynamics in Post-Soviet Russia.

2013: Presentation at the Turkish Migration Studies Group at Oxford (TurkMis) seminar Towards New Migration Systems, Patterns and Policies in Eurasia: The Case of Turkey and the Russian Federation. The presentation: "Migration, Demography and Integration in Russian Federation".


2017-2018: local partner for the Women, Business and the Law 2018 report (World Bank).

2013-2015: member of the Scientific Committee for Unicef CEE/CIS Social monitor. Full text available: Social monitor: Social protection for child rights and well-being in Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia

Timetable for today

Full timetable

An article “Russian salaries caught up Romanian ones. A labor market monitoring” is published by the Kommersant newspaper

The salaries on the Russian labor market are higher than in the other CIS countries and are comparable with the ones in Central and Eastern Europe, claim the experts of the Higher School of Economics in the “Interstate comparison of the salary levels in 2011-2017” monitoring. The calculations are based on the purchasing power parity (PPP).

Who is the Head of the Household?

Domestic work in Russian families is still a woman's business.

Female Employees with Children Pay 'Motherhood Penalty'

Female employees with children tend to earn less than their childless colleagues, but the difference is usually small, at 4% on average.

Research seminar "Estimating effects of 2007 family policy changes on probability of second and subsequent births in Russia"

Speakers - Svetlana Biryukova and Oksana Sinyavskaya (Centre for Family Policy and Quality of Life Studies HSE)

3.25 million

Moscow residents are first-generation migrants from other regions of Russia, i.e., they were born outside the capital.