‘The Open Doors Olympiad Is a Tool that Helps to Select the Best Students and Ensures Our Stable Development in Science’
A meeting of the Association of Global Universities was held in the White Hall of the Durasov House at HSE University. The participants welcomed new members of the association, summed up the results of the work in 2023 and outlined goals for the next year. They paid special attention to the International Open Doors Olympiad, which attracts students from all over the world. Interest in the Olympiad is growing as foreign applicants get the opportunity to study at leading Russian universities for free.
Leading Universities and the Right to Award Academic Degrees
Last year, the Russian Federation gave leading universities the right to award their own academic degrees on a trial basis, and this prompted universities to create models for future implementation. What the new system will bring and what needs to be done in order to render it fully operational was the focus of the board meeting of the Association of Global Universities, held on February 12 at HSE.
The Time of ‘Loner Universities’ Has Passed
Today St Petersburg saw the launch of the international conference Education and Global Cities: BRICS perspectives. About 400 representatives of higher education and high-schools, authorities, and businesses from across the world discuss the latest trends in education development, the current role of universities in cities and new paths to resolving current problems in education.
Leading Universities Will Recruit Foreign Students Together
On December 24th 2014, a meeting of the Council of the Association of Global Universities took place at HSE. The Council decided to establish a centre which will focus on recruiting foreign students for universities who are participants of the project 5/100.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025