Alexey Ivanov: BRICS Countries Can Play a Key Role in Forming a New Complex Approach to Regulation of Digital Ecosystems
Experts from the HSE BRICS Competition Law & Policy Centre presented a natural approach-based concept for antirust regulation of digital ecosystems at the 7th BRICS International Competition Conference, which took place from 16th to 17th November 2021 in China.
HSE ISSEK Researchers Analyse Opportunities for Scientific Cooperation between Developing Countries in BRICS + Global South Format
Volume of R&D funding and number of Scopus-indexed publications of the BRICS countries in total already exceed those of the EU-total and the United States. These metrics have opportunity for further growth if the five developing countries strengthen scientific cooperation with other countries from Global South that have significant growth potential. Researchers from the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge Alexander Sokolov, Sergey Shashnov, and Maxim Kotsemir analysed the opportunities for research collaboration within these clusters of countries along with the obstacles standing in the way of greater cooperation.

‘We have Formed a Unique Partnership Network of Some of the Strongest Think Tanks in the World’
The research and development of new approaches to antitrust regulation in the digital sector, the agro-industrial sector, the pharmaceutical industry, and other markets remain the main focus of the work of the BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre, which operates within HSE University. The Centre's Supervisory Board recently endorsed its work conducted over the past year and supported its agenda for this year.

HSE University Hosts Roundtable Discussion on Anti-Corruption Education in BRICS Countries
Representatives of governmental bodies and international organizations joined BRICS experts to discuss anti-corruption education at a roundtable that took place on December 1 as a videoconference. Representatives of HSE university participated in the event organization and the discussion itself.

Russian Government Supports the Development of International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre at HSE University
The Government’s decree on providing for the activities of the International BRICS Competition Law and Policy Centre as part of HSE University was issued last week. Previously, this department had operated at the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development, however the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, together with BRICS antimonopoly bodies, initiated the Centre’s restructuring as a stand-alone department. The HSE News Service learned more about the Centre’s work and its research into competition policy.

From Moscow to Brazil, South Africa, and China: Panelists Discuss Challenges and Potential for BRICS Countries in the Global Economy
On May 14, as part of the ‘World Economy’ session of the XXI April Conference 2020 an online panel attended by representatives of BRICS Network University took place. The session was devoted to the topic ‘BRICS Countries in the Global Economy’.
BRICS Antimonopoly Centre Opens at HSE
This summer, the HSE-Skolkovo Institute for Law and Development opened a new division - the BRICS Antimonopoly Centre. It will engage in applied research and expert analysis aimed at improving competition policies and strengthening antitrust regulation in the BRICS economies. The Centre will also coordinate the activities of the BRICS member states’ competition authorities and scientific communities.

BRICS Countries Look for Their Place in Biotechnology Market
Over the past 20 years, the BRICS countries' contribution to biotechnology development has increased manyfold, but it may be too early to predict a change of global leaders in this field, according to HSE ISSEK researchers who examined biotechnology patenting in the BRICS countries and published their findings in Trends in Biotechnology.
Analysing BRICS Media and Creative Industries
On April 11, Dr Daya Thussu, Professor of International Communication and Co-Director of India Media Centre at the Communication and Media Research Institute (University of Westminster) will speak at the XVIII April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development. His presentation, entitled ‘Creative industries in BRICS nations and glocalization of content’, is part of a panel session on Global corporations and local media content producers on newly emerging markets: technological and creative aspects. In addition to his academic role at the University of Westminster, he serves as the Managing Editor of the journal ‘Global Media and Communication’.
BRICS: Prospects and Opportunities
How can cooperation among BRICS countries be built in the modern era? What can contribute to the economic growth of China and Russia? These are the key issues of the Summer School on ‘Economics and Business in BRICS: Perspectives for Russia and China’ that took place in Saint Petersburg in August 2016.