HSE Day to Take Place on September 9
The Higher School of Economics is pleased to welcome guests back to one of the most exciting and lively locations in Moscow – Gorky Park, where the university is hosting its fourth annual HSE Day on September 9.

Another fine HSE Day in the Park
Eight hours of socialising, music, lectures, master-classes, sports and intellectual games, 30 event spaces, 50,000 visitors - on it’s third HSE Day the Higher School of Economics turned Gorky Park into a university campus to introduce the city and new students to contemporary university life, study and recreation.

HSE Rector Congratulates Students and Staff
Dear students and colleagues! Today is our third time celebrating HSE Day, an important event marking the start of the new academic year.
stuffed HSE crows will be hidden in Gorky Park today for participants of the HSE Day scavenger hunt. The number of birds represents the age of the Higher School of Economics.

Activities English Speaking Guests Can Join without Offending their Ears
HSE Day 2014 is a festival for everyone unimpeded by communication barriers. The organisers have created a special space where English speaking guests can feel completely free and will be able to understand what is going on!

10 Reasons to Come to HSE Day or Unauthorized Entry Only
It’s September but you don’t have to get blues because autumn starts with HSE Day — a massive city festival in Gorky Park. For the third year in a row on September 10 the HSE transforms the park into a university campus where you can have fun finding out about life in a modern university. Here are 10 good reasons why everybody, even if they have nothing to do with the HSE should come to this special day.
HSE Speaks English at HSE Day
Yulia Grinkevich, Director of Internationalization at HSE describes English-language lectures at HSE Day.
areas for outdoor activities and intellectual relaxation will be featured at the HSE Day in Gorky Park on September 10.
The City Came Out to HSE Day
Both scholars and musicians will tell you that learning is a lifetime affair. On September 10, 2013, HSE Day took place in Gorky Park for the second time. The event featured Freshman Day, an alumni reunion, and an outdoor lecture centre, as well as many humorous competitions for students and anyone wanting to participate.