Universities Fall into Decay Because of Opposition to Changes
Universities decline not only due to a lack of money, enrollment of weak students, lack of ties with professional communities, and brain drain. Conservatism of their administration, lecturers and scholars is also an obstacle to the life-saving ‘reset’ of universities, Isak Froumin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE Institute of Education, and Mikhail Lisyutkin, Junior Research Fellow at this Institute, say in their paper ‘The Phenomenon of Degrading Universities in Russia. Stating the Problem’.
The number of people who won and were awarded prizes in the International Youth Olympiad, which was held on December 26.

‘Maths Teaches Modesty above All’
This year winner of the respected Fields medal Andrey Okounkov became the new head of HSE’s International Laboratory of Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics. In an interview for the HSE News website, he talked about what is a good mathematical education, why mathematicians are more free than other academics and what to tell people who find figures difficult.
of people holding doctoral and candidate of science degrees are theoretically willing to change jobs if offered the opportunity to take part in a large-scale project that is important for the country.
Scholars Explore New Approaches to Women’s History in Russia
This year, a group of Russian scholars, published Women's History in Russia: (Re)Establishing the Field, which through a series of essays explores Russian gender and women’s history. The book’s editor, Marianna Muravyeva, Associate Professor, St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities recently spoke with the HSE news service about the book and the growing interest in women’s history among Russian scholars.
Leading Universities Will Recruit Foreign Students Together
On December 24th 2014, a meeting of the Council of the Association of Global Universities took place at HSE. The Council decided to establish a centre which will focus on recruiting foreign students for universities who are participants of the project 5/100.
of Russians would be delighted at their daughters’ desire to become software developers. 40% would be happy if their sons pursued a similar career.
Vladimir Lukin: ‘Russia Remains a European Country’
On December 23 2014, the inaugural lecture by Vladimir Lukin, Professor of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs took place at HSE. The former Commissioner for Human Rights spoke about politics, diplomacy and why Russia remains a European country.
Workshop on Experimental Methods for Researchers at HSE Institute of Education
On December 12-24 a series of workshops on experimental methods for researchers by Prashant Loyalka, Leading Research Fellow of the International Laboratory for Education Policy Analysis at the HSE Graduate School of Education took place at HSE Institute of Education. He also delivered a series of lectures on ‘Quasi-experimental Research in Education’ for master’s students in Educational and Psychological Measurement.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025