UNIDO has published the Competitive Industrial Performance Report, presented at HSE
On September 18 at Higher School of Economics, UNIDO's Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Report 2012/2013: The Industrial Competitiveness of Nations: Looking Back, Forging Ahead was presented. The HSE Institute of Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge organised the event.
From Archaeological Dig to the Lecture Room
In 2013 the HSE Saint Petersburg Campus organized archaeological field work for students over the summer in Staraya Ladoga, about 120 kilometers away from the city. Adrian Selin, HSE Professor of History, told us about his impressions of the expedition and his future plans for archaeological research.
Competition will Take Russian Universities to a New Level
The self-sufficient and closed academic environment in Russia is an obstacle to the appearance of world-class universities, argues Maria Yudkevich in her article presented at the 4th International Conference ‘University Traditions: a Resource or a Burden?’
Higher Schools’ Research Puts Russia on the World Map
‘University Traditions: a Resource or a Burden?’ the 4th International Conference of the Russian Association of Higher Education Researchers organized by the HSE Institute of Education, the HSE Institute for Theoretical and Historical Studies in the Humanities, and the New Economic School, is taking place in Moscow from September 26 – 28, 2013. Isak Froumin, Academic Supervisor of the HSE Institute of Education, talked to us about the conference and the problems of higher education in Russia.
University Rankings Should Serve as a Compass for Prospective Students
University rankings are clearly evolving from serving as a means of evaluating institutions of higher education to being a tool that impacts university management. Larisa Taradina spoke about university rankings at the 4th International Conference ‘University Traditions: A Resource or a Burden’.
Vacancies for International staff at the Higher School of Economics
International recruiting at the Higher School of Economics. Advertisement for assistant professorship at HSE 2014/2015 Academic year.
ICEF Graduates Get Diplomas
On September 25, 2013, the 13th HSE International College of Economics and Finance graduation ceremony took place at the residence of Timothy Barrow, Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Russian Federation.
The Railway Will Help Solve Traffic Congestion
The only way to expand road networks in Russian cities is to make use of railroad corridors, declared Konstantin Trofimenko, Director of the HSE Centre for Urban Transportation Studies, addressing the first in the Infrastructure of the Future series of seminars.
To Learn What Emotions Are and What They Do
On September 25, 2013, the HSE International Laboratory for Socio-cultural Research will conduct its regular seminar ‘Culture Matters’. Marcel Zeelenberg, Head of Department of Social Psychology and Seger Breugelmans PhD, Professors of the Tilburg University (the Netherlands), will speak on ‘Emotion and Decision Making: A Feeling is for Doing Approach’. They gave a special interview for the HSE news service.
There is no Development without Internet
Peter Major,one of the world's leading experts in the field of ‘Governing the Internet’ comes to Moscow on September, 24th to spend a few days for sharing his experience and views with the HSE teachers and students. He will deliver a lecture ‘Internet as a Key Element of Development’, a seminar ‘Internet Governance’ with a consultation session and a seminar ‘International Structures of Internet Governance: forum on internet governance, forum on IT’ with a master class ‘Internet Governance Mechanisms’.