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Thursday, March 13


HDI & TFAIM Lab Seminar 'On Teacher Hacking in Language Model Distillation'

Illustration for news: 'I'm Creating a Community of Happy People'

'I'm Creating a Community of Happy People'

Making money of insecurity is not actually a shameful endeavour, particularly if your business has an honourable mission. HSE alumnus Andrey Ruban, a psychologist and trainer, tells Success Builder how to gain entrepreneurial experience at the university, why creativity serves as the foundation of life, how word of mouth is becoming a marketing strategy, and what to do after you achieve personal happiness.

Evgeny Yasin joins the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights

On August 10, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a directive appointing HSE Academic Supervisor Evgeny Yasin to the Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights. His candidacy was proposed by Council head Mikhail Fedotov.

'The Most Important Thing during a Time of Crisis is to Give People an Opportunity to Learn'

In an interview with RBC, Yaroslav Kuzminov, Rector of the Higher School of Economics, speaks about the problems facing Russia’s economy, the Strategy 2020, the status of higher education and about the areas worth developing.

Illustration for news: 'HSE Is the Number One Supplier of Manpower for My Market'

'HSE Is the Number One Supplier of Manpower for My Market'

HSE alumnus Pyotr Zhukov owns two investment funds which comes as a surprise from someone with a law degree. In Success Builder Pyotr talks about bankers having nervous breakdowns, who dictates the dollar exchange rate and why he doesn’t give money to hipsters.

Application Underway for the 2015 Trilateral Youth Forum between Germany, Poland and Russia

Until July 31, 2015, you can apply for the German-Polish-Russian Trilateral Youth Forum, which will take place in Moscow from September 28 – October 2, 2015. Most of the events will be held at HSE.

Illustration for news: 'Life Is One Way for a Psychologist to Put Their Knowledge into Practice'

'Life Is One Way for a Psychologist to Put Their Knowledge into Practice'

Nowadays, psychology has a very specific application in the world of business, as not a single large company in the world is able to get by without a staff of professional psychologists. Ksenia Babat, Senior HR Manager at Puma, tells Success Builder what a business psychologist does, how to start building a strategy for professional success as a student, and why she holds coaching sessions on the weekends.

Lilia Ovcharova Presents Achievements of UN Millennium Development Goals

Lilia Ovcharova, the Director of the Institute for Social Development Studies, presented a special report at the UN House in Moscow on the achievements of the UN Millennium Development Goals. Under the auspices of the United Nations, the leaders of 174 nations signed the document at the start of the 21st century, thereby setting important goals for the entire world. This year, experts presented the results of the project at UN headquarters in New York City and around the world.

Illustration for news: 'I Always Knew I Was Doing What’s Right for Me'

'I Always Knew I Was Doing What’s Right for Me'

Any budding economist would dream of rising on the career ladder to the IMF and consulting different countries’ governments on economic policy. HSE alumnus Vadim Khramov tells Success Builder how to move towards new goals, make an impact on the European economy, and put his teaching experience to use in the world of investment banking.


applications to beautify and landscape spaces were collected by the mini-park project run by Green HSE, a student environmental club. 

Green HSE in Search of Abandoned Mini Park to Clean Up

Green HSE, a student environmental club, is taking part in the upcoming Moscow Flower Show, an international festival of gardens and flowers. As part of the HSE project ‘A University Open to the City’, students will give a presentation on mini parks, the goal of which is to revitalize one of Moscow’s abandoned mini parks or courtyards.