‘I Can’t Think of a Better Time for Young Researchers to Work in Foresight’
Foresight and STI Policy are among the symposium topics of the XXIII Yasin International Academic Conference. How has foresight developed in Canada? How did academic life change during the pandemic? What can early-career foresight researchers expect? The HSE News Service discussed these questions with Jonathan Calof, one of the symposium’s speakers.

HSE University and Tinkoff Sign Strategic Partnership Agreement
HSE University and Tinkoff have signed an agreement on strategic cooperation on the development of secondary education in Russia. The cooperation will be implemented as part of the ‘Developing intellectual competitions’ project within HSE University’s strategic development programme.

Economic Crises Affect People’s Attitudes to Inequality
Inequality based on income, geography, gender, age, class and religion widens social gaps both within and between countries. During the XXIII Yasin (April) International Conference, experts discussed which dimensions of inequality have become especially important in the wake of the pandemic and the evolving economic crisis, and also examined how much more women work than men.

XXIII Yasin International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development Begins
From April 5–22, 2002, the XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development will be held in Moscow. Its participants include leading scientists and experts, representatives from the business community, politicians and leaders of state bodies. Over 700 papers will be presented at the Conference and discussed in almost 150 sessions and 24 sections.

Researchers Have Developed a Russian-Language Method for the Preoperative Mapping of Language Areas
Neurolinguists from HSE University, in collaboration with radiologists from the Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Centre, developed a Russian-language protocol for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that makes it possible to map individual language areas before neurosurgical operations. The study was published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Card Index: Spatial Behaviour. Where Does Our Personal Comfort Zone End?
Individual distance, comfort zone—these terms refer to how close we are prepared to let other people into our personal space. Scientists compare the space around a person to a bubble that can change in size. Card Index looks at the work of RAS and HSE University researchers Valentina Burkova and Julia Fedenok to find out why this is the case, what size this ‘bubble’ can be, and what determines its size.

Where the Babies are Booming: Which Russian Regions Have the Highest Birthrates?
The birthrate across Russia is not uniform: in some areas, people have children earlier in life, and in some, later. These contrasts reflect various populations’ differing demographic outlooks and the dynamics of their respective regions, as well as the extent to which their residents adhere to traditional norms of reproductive behaviour. On the whole, almost no large areas with high birthrates remain in Russia. Here, IQ.HSE studies current trends based on an article by demographer Artur Petrosyan.

‘Plain. Volume. Movement’. Artist Alisa Gorshenina Organised a Master Class at HSE Art and Design School
A master class by the artist Alisa Gorshenina took place in HSE Art and Design School in March. Over three days participants created their works, using stop motion animation techniques under Alisa's guidance. This article offers a look at the resulting work and shares some of Alisa and the participants’ impressions of the master class.

‘Retail Combines Everything I Love and Continue Doing’
Maria Zolotkova, holder of a bachelor’s degree from ICEF, believes that an education in economics provides the foundation needed to manage brands on the market and be a truly effective marketing professional. She currently works as the Vice President for Brand Development at Azbuka Vkusa. In this interview with Success Builder, she explains why FMCG is the best marketing school, what a brand manager does and how to go from being a customer to one of the directors of your favourite store.

HSE University Rector Joins VK Board of Directors
Nikita Anisimov, HSE University Rector, has joined the Board of Directors of VK Company Limited as Independent Director. VK is building an ecosystem that is used by more than 90% of the Runet audience. Millions of people use its services to solve a variety of everyday tasks online.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025