A Paucity of Publishing: Why University Professors Find It Difficult to Do Very Much Research
There are usually three main parts to working at a university: teaching, research, and administrative tasks. However, professors at Russian universities are still mostly occupied with the demands of a very heavy teaching load. As HSE International Laboratory for Institutional Analysis of Economic Reforms Senior Researcher Ilya Prakhov discovered, even at leading universities with a focus on science, professors spend 2.5 times more time on classroom work than on research. Given this situation, is it possible to advance research at universities?
HSE ICEF Team Takes First Place at CFA Institute Research Challenge
The HSE University 2/ICEF team has won the Russian stage of the CFA Institute Research Challenge international financial modelling competition, which concluded on February 28. The team was headed by mentors Dmitry Kachalov and Kirill Chuyko.

‘There is More Freedom and Potential for Experimentation in Sound Than in Images’
In February, the ZIL Culture Centre hosted the ‘Music for the End of the World’ concert by students and teachers of two HSE Art and Design School disciplines: Sound Art and Sound Design and Design and Programming. The HSE News Service spoke to participants of the concert about the programme and their performances.

Researchers Teach Algorithm to Predict Success in Effortful Tasks
Researchers from HSE University and Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology have developed machine learning models that can predict success in visual tasks of mental attention using reaction time and eye movement. The paper ‘A machine learning investigation of factors that contribute to predicting cognitive performance: Difficulty level, reaction time and eye-movements’ was published in Decision Support Systems.

‘I Like the Balance between Practice and Theory’
Masoud Ebadi from Tehran, Iran is currently pursuing a Master’s in Strategic Corporate Finance (SCF) at HSE University Moscow (Faculty of Economic Sciences). In this interview, he talks about his experience of the admissions process, the advantages of master’s studies at HSE, and what he loves about Moscow—including food recommendations for new arrivals.

HSE Situation Centre Has Received over 100 Appeals from Students and Staff
The HSE University Situation Centre (established by the University administration at the initiative of the Student Council) helps HSE students and staff who need support in light of the current international situation. The Centre’s volunteers can provide information about psychological and financial assistance, study process issues, and other questions.

HSE University Project Wins Russian-Indian Grant by RSF
The research community gave a highly positive assessment of a joint application by researchers from HSE University and their Indian colleagues in affine algebraic geometry, particularly the problems of cancellation. The head of the project on the Russian side is HSE FCS Dean Ivan Arzhantsev; on the Indian side, the project is led by renowned mathematician Neena Gupta.

‘All Economics Students Should Learn to Program’
Yakov Barinskiy, who holds a bachelor’s degree from the International College of Economics and Finance (ICEF) at HSE, puts his degree in finance to good use in the field of crypto investment. His success running the HASH CIB crypto bank shows students that fundamental education in economics remains relevant even as fintech develops. In this interview with Success Builder, Mr Barinskiy explains why you should work in a good company before launching your own business and what the Russian authorities are doing to legalise digital assets.

Accenture Branded Coworking Area Opens at HSE Graduate School of Business
The grand opening of a new coworking area at the HSE Graduate School of Business took place in February. The 395 sq m area was renovated and equipped in line with the most recent trends in creative study areas in partnership with Accenture, one of the business school’s strategic partners.
Deadline for applications to present academic reports - January 20, 2025